Senin, 12 Februari 2018

Remember, Mother Coughs Cold Stay Can Breastfeed Small Kok

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Remember, Mother Coughs Cold Stay Can Breastfeed Small Kok


Jakarta, Maternal worries in the process of breastfeeding may appear when the mother is sick. Even when the mother is mild ill, for example, the flu. When the mother of the flu, whether it affects the process of breastfeeding? If the mother's condition is less healthy antibodies in breast milk is increasing. For example, the mother again coughs a mild cold, still feed her baby because of the antibodies in breast milk rose and that got the child high, said dr Wiyarni Pambudi SpA, IBCLC from Three Generations when talking with detikHealth.dr Wi explained, in principle antibodies have many roles. For example, feeding germs and making evil germs are more easily eliminated by the body. Concerning the consumption of drugs when breastfeeding mothers, Dr. Wi said the drug consumed by the mother then flows through the breast milk of one per 10 thousand to one per 15 thousand that flows. So, usually it has little effect on breast milk given to babies. Unless there is a certain drug we already love code L4 or L5, it should not be consumed. If L1 and L2 can be consumed then if L3 ask for this drug exchange to the doctor, said Dr. Wi.Read also: When Baby Cold, Effective Mother Giving Medication Through Breastmilk Quoted from Kids Health, Rupal Christine Gupta, MD said when the mother was mild ill like flu, the mother can still breastfeed the little one. Gupta disclosed, breast milk has specific antibodies that babies need to fight infection. By continuing to breastfeed the baby, the mother indirectly protects the baby from infections that occur in the mother's body. However, Gupta emphasizes it is also important for the mother to protect the child from exposure to bacteria from the outside environment. Thus, it is important for the mother to maintain hygiene such as washing hands more frequently, closing her mouth when coughing or blowing her nose with a tissue then throwing it away, and limiting facial contacts that are too close to the baby. Mothers may also consider using masks during breastfeeding to avoid coughing, sneezing, or a breath that is in direct contact with the baby's face. If the mother is worried, the mother can milk milk and give it to the baby through someone who is not sick. If your child has symptoms like catching the flu, it's good to consult a doctor, Gupta said. Read also: This Cause Baby's Spontaneous Biting Putting Mom When Breastfeeding (rdn / up)





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