Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Kopi Buat Nafas Berbau?

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Kopi Buat Nafas Berbau?

Selesai minum kopi, lidah merasa asam, serta mulut pancarkan bau khas kopi (sayangnya dalam versus yg tidak enak). Hal semacam ini mengakibatkan keyakinan diri Anda mendadak lenyap, terlebih saat mengerti lawan bicara memundurkan langkahnya waktu bicara dengan Anda. Kopi memiliki kandungan keasaman yang lebih tinggi dari pada air liur, serta saat lingkungan yang asam ini terbentuk didalam mulut, tumbuhlah bakteri. Makin banyak bakteri yang tumbuh didalam rongga-rongga mulut, makin tidak enak bau yang dibuat. Keadaan ini diperparah saat Anda meminum kopi dalam kondisi perut kosong. Umumnya Anda berupaya mengusir bau tidak enak ini dengan kunyah permen mint, oral care strips, berkumur dengan obat kumur, atau minum air putih banyak-banyak. Tetapi satu penemuan baru yang dipresentasikan oleh International Society for Breath Odor Research di Jerman membalikkan teori ini. Penemuan itu mengatakan, sebagian komponen spesifik dalam kopi peluang malah mengusir bau mulut dengan menyerang bakteri yang mengakibatkan halitosis (nafas tidak enak). Satu tim dari Tel Aviv University memantau udara tidak enak akibat bakteri saat kopi bercampur dengan air liur. Kebalikan dari asumsi kami, nyatanya sebagian komponen dari kopi itu malah melenyapkan bau tidak enak, tutur Profesor Mel Rosenberg. Semula kami mengharapkan kopi akan mengakibatkan bau mulut, namun ada suatu hal didalam aroma kopi yang mempunyai dampak demikian sebaliknya. Menurut Rosenberg, bila ia mengisolasi molekul yang mengenyahkan perkembangan bakteri, hal semacam itu bisa dipakai untuk bikin type baru dari obat kumur, permen mint, serta permen karet. Gabungan susu serta kopi lah yang mungkin saja mengakibatkan kita pancarkan bau yang mencengangkan sesudah meminumnya.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Teratur Main Badminton Buat Berat Badan Gadis Ini Turun 6 Kg, Lho

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Teratur Main Badminton Buat Berat Badan Gadis Ini Turun 6 Kg, Lho

 Serang - Masihlah termasuk saat perkembangan, banyak remaja yang malah tidak memperhatikan rencana gizi seimbang dalam konsumsi makanan keseharian. Ini juga yang berlangsung pada Teti Sukmawati. Mengakibatkan, bobot Teti terus-menerus naik sampai meraih 61 kg. Walau pernah cuek, kegemukan pernah membuatnya kurang percaya diri. Ia juga mulai pikirkan untuk menurunkan berat Badan. Coba merubah pola makan serta teratur bermain bulutangkis, mahasiswi semester 3 ini sukses kurangi berat Badannya sejumlah 6 kg. Tersebut paparannya pada detikHealth, Jumat (29/8/2014) : Sekarang ini saya yaitu mahasiswi semester 3 di satu diantara kampus di Banten. Saat duduk di bangku SMA, saya tidaklah terlalu memedulikan berat Badan. Semuanya type makanan apa pun masuk ke pada badan, bahkan juga dalam satu hari saya dapat makan sepiring nasi hingga 5 kali. Masa-masa SMA saya lakoni tanpa ada pikirkan berat Badan saya yang makin melonjak. Saya mulai terasa kurang percaya diri saat saya mulai masuk bangku kuliah semester 1. Rekan-rekan saya mempunyai Badan yang cukup bagus serta mereka dapat menggunakan baju apa pun yang mereka sukai. Sejak saat itu saya berkemauan untuk diet. Terlebih dulu berat Badan saya meraih 61 kg. Dengan tinggi yang cuma 154 cm, berat seperti ini pasti kurang ideal serta bikin saya tampak begitu besar. Program yang saya lakoni tidaklah terlalu susah. Sepanjang libur semester, saya teratur olahraga bulutangkis tiap-tiap pagi serta sore hari. Saya juga rajin minum air putih sejumlah 2 liter sehari-hari. Pola makan juga saya jagalah dengan mengonsumsi sedikit nasi serta perbanyak lauk pauk. Dalam 2 bln. saya sukses menurunkan berat Badan saya sampai 6 kg yang saat ini jadi 55 kg. (ajg/up)

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Who Need to Know about the Bariatric Surgery to Lose Weight


Who Need to Know about the Bariatric Surgery to Lose Weight


Jakarta, the Agency extremely obese is associated with several diseases such as diabetes, hipertesi and sleep problems. Well, one among the steps that can be done to lose weight is through the Agency for bariatric surgery. But this way can not be done carelessly. Not many people can do this procedure. Just a group of patients with morbid obesity (as fat) or having a body mass index above 30 is allowed to live. So if weight loss diets Agency has done, as well as application of a healthy lifestyle and exercise taken but ultimately unsatisfactory, then bariatric surgery done. To perform this operation, the patient must meet the prerequisites according the same rules of knowledge surgical bariatik, already know all something about pembedahaan this as well as the motivation and high principle to change lifestyle in the long period, explained Dr. Errawan Wiradisuria, Spb KBD, M Kes from place of residence Mayapada Hospital Lebak Bulus. Read also: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Operations for Alternative Handle ObesitasSelain, which can perform these procedures, namely those aged 15-60 th .. Conditions doing bariatric surgery should also be taken into account bebrapa cook. Although safe, but certainly there is a risk the risk that may be encountered completed the procedure done. Disibakkan dr Errawan in a press conference with 8 Multidisciplinary Bariatric Surgery first knowledge in Indonesia 'in residence Mayapada Hospital, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Saturday (20/08/2016), time in, bariatric surgery has not been very popular. The number of patients who live it is still a little bit. Hence there symposia multidisciplinary bariatric surgery with the management of the first in Indonesia is desirable to provide more pengetahuain Mendalan the medical professionals as well as a new color for the healthcare industry Indonesia, explained Dr. Senta Lucia Kumukur, director Sakit residence, without elaborating. One of the ways that bariatric surgery is often performed Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG). This procedure is most commonly used because of relatively easy, convenient for the patient, minimal risk, and also with the same effectiveness Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS) and the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB). Well, Dr. Senta also expect those beginners also find out more about LSG. It is among the surgical technique to reduce the size of the size of the stomach that is permanent and efficient for patients with morbid obesity issues or so fat, said Dr. Senta. Read also: Previous Lakoni Bariatric Surgery, Patients Also Need to Psychiatric Consultation (vit / vit)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Diet OCD Plus Jogging, Ryan Successful Lower Body Weight 15 Kg!

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Diet OCD Plus Jogging, Ryan Successful Lower Body Weight 15 Kg!

Jakarta - To lose weight, you are advised to apply a healthy diet and do not forget to exercise. The move was also done by Ryan Ramadhianto (19). His weight also successfully dropped some 15 kg. Yes, beginning with a high body weight of men's 167 cm is 87 kg. But has now stabilized at 72 kg. Ryan wants to know how to lose weight? The story of her diet, as written detikHealth on Monday (02/29/2016): prefix school when I felt ignored it the problem of body weight, even until I graduated. When starting college and work my body weight also increasingly striking to touch the figure of 85 kg. I began to feel uncomfortable. How was I so hard to move, and quickly tired. Plus my work room is on the 3rd floor, the time to work the room I often felt exhausted. Starting from that moment, I decided to go on a diet. First I tried to diet Mayo. But unfortunately I was just stronger doing this way throughout the week. Indeed my body weight fell by 3 kg, but after I stop dieting so rose another 5 kg. I also never give up do not want to do the diet again. But then I know that offspring diabetes risk 10 times higher, for a moment my father deceased died because of diabetes. I am also willing to diet back. My choice fell on this occasion OCD diet, with windows meal 4 hours and sometimes I do a 24-hour fasting. I also get used to drink a glass of water before each meal. With the exception of dieting, I also jog every morning throughout the 20 minutes and doing exercise 7 minute workout every waking and before bed. After regularly doing the program, I successfully lose weight up to 15 kg so 72 kg. I also feel more fit and fresh. You need to recognize that OCD diet accompanied by exercise not make the limp body moves busyness, even more make the body feel more fresh and healthy. Congratulations try. Read also: Well Diet Friardi to Lose Weight 34 Kg, Want to Try? (Ajg / vit)

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Orang-tua Penentu Kwalitas Diet Seseorang Anak

Orang-tua Penentu Kwalitas Diet Seseorang Anak 
    Jakarta Konsumsi makanan yang pas dibutuhkan dalam tumbuh kembang anak. Tetapikwalitas diet seseorang anak ditetapkan dari seberapa tepatnya orang-tua pilih makanan buat mereka. Peneliti dari University of Delaware di Amerika Serikat       Shannon Robson menyampaikan    yang berlangsung demikian sebaliknya yaitu saat orang-tua mengaplikasikan pola diet yang sehat bakal pilih makanan yang sehat juga. Tetapi hal sama tak mereka aplikasikan ke anak-anaknya. Walau sebenarnya diet yang dikerjakan jadi penentu dari kwalitas diet yang dikerjakan anak. Sayangnya orang-tua tak mengerjakannya dengan begitu baik dalam soal makanan berkwalitas. Orang-tua mempunyai kwalitas diet yang tambah baik dari pada anak-anaknya namun sedikit dari mereka yang mengaplikasikan hal sama ke anak kata Shannon diambil dari Times of India Kamis (14/7/2016) Yang umum orang-tua berikanlah pada anak yaitu sayuran serta sangat banyak kalori. Sayang sayurannya juga dalam jumlah yang ala kandungannya. Hingga konsumsi kalori yang semestinya tidak sama jadi nyaris sama. Rata-rata seseorang anak mengonsumsi 1. 751 kalori /hari serta orang-tua 1. 763 kalori. 
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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Criminologists UI Police Have Strong Evidence Mirna Death Cases

Criminologists UI Police Have Strong Evidence Mirna Death Cases
 The case of the death of Mirna Salihin who died after drinking coffee is the public attention. Police set Jessica Kumala Wongso as a suspect in the death of Mirna. Determination of Jessica as a suspect conducted on Saturday.
According to the expert criminologist University of Indonesia, Hendri Tri Yogo, the police have had the ultimate weapon for this case.
Actually, the police have strong evidence. Baseball and the police need to show proof to the results of the public, later in the trial. Not only cctv but also the expert witness. So not only one variant. Essentially all will be clearly demonstrated in court. Jessica Is it done or not, said the man who is familiarly called this Yogo saa
, Monday, February 1, 2016.
This case raises a number of speculations. One of them is the news that said Jessica psychopath. Yogo explained, should not be carelessly judge of character.
Specifies a character or psychiatric disorders should be very caution. We can not look like that (invisible), there should be a test of police and a team of experts (psychologists), he said.
As is known, Mirna Salihin, flawless woman died after drinking coffee at a café in Central Jakarta some time ago.
Later known, coffee drunk newlyweds appeared to have mixed the cyanide, which is one of the harmful toxins.
Shortly after the case became public spotlight, the police finally set Jessica, a friend in college Mirna as a suspect. He was arrested at a hotel in the area of ​​Mangga Dua, Jakarta, when she was staying with her parents. The case is still under investigation Polda Metro Jaya.

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8 Ways to Eliminate Belly Fat

8 Ways to Eliminate Belly Fat
How to get rid of belly fat? To lose belly fat, you can combine diet and exercise from all parts of the body. So you do not just focus on the abdomen only. Because belly fat as fat in other body parts, can not be eliminated on that part alone.

Belly fat or visceral fat is the fat that is dangerous if not promptly removed. This is because abdominal fat is located inside and around the organs of your body.

How to Eliminate Belly Fat

How to Shrink Stomach
Never make your body feel hungry if you want to shrink the stomach. Because if you only eat once or twice a day then your body to switch into fat storage mode. Therefore do not skip breakfast, healthy snacks, and fresh food.

As quoted from id.wikihow.com, here are some tips to get rid of belly fat.

1. Select Sports Weight
If you are not familiar with the sport, then the first two weeks can do a little exercise. Once the body is already familiar with the sport, you can do a high-intensity exercise such as running, swimming back and forth, cycling on the road, rowing, or boot camp.

2. Perform strengthening exercises Next Two Weeks
The next two weeks you can do exercises to strengthen the body. You can do weight training three times a week. Always stretch midsection (abdomen) when doing the exercise. Do arched back. Abdominal stretch this action will help you strengthen your stomach and shape it. Here are some details of body strengthening exercises:

Perform at least 30 minutes lifting weights in a workout.
Do exercises to tighten the muscles of the upper arm, the front (bicep curls), push ups, pull ups (exercise lift the body by using cross), exercises tighten the muscles in your arms back (triceps curls), and exercises for toning the chest (fly and chest press).

3. Perform HIIT Exercises
HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is a training exercise at a high intensity pause. Make a quick run for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then run of moderate intensity for 2 to 4 minutes. After it was done again scamper for 30 Sampati 1 minute.

4. Perform Cardio Exercise at least 30 minutes
To be able to burn belly fat and whole body, do cardio exercise at least 20-30 minutes. If the belly fat and your body fat is too much, it can do cardio to 45 minutes, five times a week.

5. Eat More Protein
Protein is needed for muscle formation of the body. By building muscle can help burn fat and speed up metabolism. You can get protein from egg whites, fish, chicken, or a piece of red meat with less fat.

6. Expand Food Good
Replace your intake of carbohydrates than ordinary rice with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice. Multiply the fruits and vegetables that have a high content of fiber such as apples, bananas, and others.

7. Add the Low-Fat Dairy Products To Diet
Consumption of protein-rich greek yogurt, skim milk, and even low-fat cheese can make you feel full longer. Choose products unsweetened or with a little sweetener, eat at least 6 ounces of yogurt per day.

8. Choose Good Fats
Good fats or monounsaturated fat can get from nuts, olives and olive oil, flaxseed, and avocado. You also can use fat as well as a snack almond butter and oatmeal or a slice of whole wheat bread with whole grains, plus peanut butter will keep you full longer.